Tuesday, 17 September 2013


Hello everyone, I'm overwhelmed by all the comments, wow!
I'm at work right now, but I already read  grrouchie serge's reply to my question on his blog - some hilarious parts I should say :) - and will write a proper answer to you all soon.
I guess the big question everyone is asking is why didn't I give Josh the boot so far, what's making me stay with him, why didn't I run away yet...
I wrote a bunch of posts while on vacations (now I don't have as much spare time) so there are still two posts scheduled for publication tomorrow and the day after that might explain a few things. Meanwhile I will write explaining my reasons to stay with him.
Hopefully I can make you believe I'm not completely crazy... Thank you for reading and for giving me your views on all this mess.


  1. i dont think yr crazy. u just fell in love with the wrong dude is all. now dump the zero and find yr hero,girl. also, in the future , just bcuz some1 spends alot of time playing poker doesnt make that person a PRO. poker is a game.

    1. Hm.. yeah one of his reasons not to find a part-time job is that the job would keep him from playing the hours he needs to make some decent money. Never could quite understand if that's true or just an excuse.

    2. girl, it is an excuse.yr man is just lazy. i know the sex is good but there r other men out there.also,there r men out there that can make money at poker but they r few and far between.also,there r men that make money at poker .they r called poker dealers

    3. it's both. true, and an excuse.

  2. Clearly an excuse. He can't support himself now with no job, so a job would actually be a positive move. You're married to a man child.

  3. I never thought the perfect woman for TBC existed, but I see that I was mistaken.

    1. true,that is y in a earlier comment . i said ,she is lucky she doesnt live in kansas.

  4. Andrea - I've read all your posts. I was very saddened to read it. If your story is true, you are living the victim's life letting Josh take advantage of you so he can pursue whatever leisure time activities he desires (soccer, weight-lifting, poker). You're young, you have no kids. You are not financially joined except for the small loan you took out for him. While you can, kick him out of the house and get over him. He is a loser who has been "sucking off the tit" from you in all the years you've been together. He has managed to get away with this behavior all this time and he has no reason to change.

    You mention rampages, holes in doors, broken dishes. How long before you become the punching bag (if that hasn't happened already)?

    Kick him out now. It'll be the best thing that ever happened to both of you.

  5. Thank you for reading, Cranky. It is all true, at least it's my perspective on things, I believe Josh would tell the story a little bit differently. You are making sense, and I hear you (well, read).

    Hm.. the "rampages" have stopped more than 2 years ago, he never wrecked anything in my house, except for breaking a hole through my living room door with his fist when I broke up with him once (we broke up 3 times). He never destroyed anything because of the game. And he has never, ever, touched me.

    Our arguments could get very aggressive when we were younger, I've also broken dishes and thrown things around the house (mine and his). But that hasn't happened for more than two years - after the "big break up" that is.

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